
SCANDUC Agenda25

Are you considering joining Scanduc this year? Please check out the topics below that are candidate to be presented this year, in Copenhagen. Read the list, do you really think that you can skip this Scanduc?

Think again: Be there!


Topics SCANDUC 2025

See the candidate topics below, the final agenda of SCANDUC will be announced soon!

DataFlex 2025
Let’s kick off SCANDUC 2025 with an overview of DataFlex. A status update, going over exciting new features and improvements that you can expect this year.

DataFlex to new Horizons (New colors and new stuff - New home page
As DataFlex continues its journey, new horizons emerge with each passing day. The key to capturing the opportunities they present is direction.

DataFlex 25 -> Tech Stack Technical overview..
The DataFlex Technology Stack is a multi-phased, multi-year project that is revolutionizing the foundation of the current DataFlex product.

DataFlex package Manager
In the near future, DataFlex Studio will be your “window” on everything related to your DataFlex code, be it in the Studio, or from fellow developers around the world. And the new Package Manager will help you with that. Within DataFlex Studio, conveniently point at which library you want to add, and Package Manager will make sure to add the correct version to your Workspace.

DataFlex Reports
Tips and tricks regarding migrating Crystal Reports to DataFlex Reports.

Security Matters
As software developer, security demands continuous learning, updating and testing. Bram provides clear insights in authorization, authentication and verification. How do OpenID Connect and oAuth relate, and how does it fit DataFlex? Another important security topic discussed will be how to create a highly secure environment for allowing people to upload files to a web portal using the new Secure Upload library in DataFlex. And finally, how can you share highly confidential information quickly, using a very secure method.

Build-in Screen Reporting
Tired of users reporting "It doesn’t work", "Nothing happens when I click", or a screenshot that doesn’t show what you need? Jakob will show how to build screen recording into your application, so your users can send you a video showing the problem. And do so, without users ever leaving your application, installing separate software or figuring out how to upload videos. All from DataFlex, using a (free) custom component that also lets you record from camera and microphone devices.

Second time lucky!
Creating great looking applications with DataFlex has never been easier, especially since the introduction of FlexTron. But why stop there? Why not go that extra mile and start getting creative by adding icons to your UI to really make it sing. The use of Font Icons allows you to do just that, and you don’t have to be a CSS or HTML expert either. Peter Bragg uses FontAwesome, the world’s most popular icon set and toolkit in his applications, and will demonstrate how you too can quickly and painlessly add icons to things like cWebGroup Captions, cWebTagPage tabs and even cWebList placeholder text.


Security Matters




Build-Screen Recording


DataFlex REST Framework


WebApp Framework Evolution


DFXray - A development company


DataFlex Fun